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Mary & John  

A wedding on a Wednesday? And why not !  

Following the health conditions that you all experienced in 2020, Marie and Johann have decided to marry on a Wednesday in 2021!  

There is no specific day to say yes!  

Especially with the sun!  

The guests responded! Me too !  

Complete report from early morning 8:00 am ... between the girls' lodge and the boys' lodge next door, until early morning 3:00 am.

All at the Domaine du Hirtz in Wattwiller.

7 p.m. follow-up of our young lovebirds, with a roadmap worthy of the greatest official ceremony! Mary hasn't forgotten anything!  

The bride and groom were delighted with all the photos taken, which they were able to collect in a personalized wooden box, containing the USB key and the printing of a selection of photos.

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